The Let's Play Archive

Famicom Wars


Part 20: Unit Overview: Artillery

Part 20: Unit Overview: Artillery

Basic Info:
Cost		5500 G
Movement	5
Move Type	Vehicle
Fuel		30
Ammo		3
Ammo Cost	6 G
Range		2-3
Special		Cannot attack and move in same turn; cannot counterattack
Combat Data*:
Opposing Unit	    Damage Dealt	    Damage Taken
 Infantry		4.5			1.5
 Mech			3.5			4.5
 Medium Tank		4.5			9.5
 Tank			5.5			7.5
 APC			5.5			3.5
 Rocket			3.5			5.5
 Artillery		4.5			4.5
 Supply			5.5			N/A
 AA Missile		4.5			N/A
 AA Tank		6.5			N/A
 Fighter		N/A			2.5
 Scout			N/A			1.5
 Bomber			N/A			7.5
 Copter			N/A			0.5
 Battleship		1.5			8.5
 Lander			2.5			2.5
* All damage values are between new undamaged units on terrain with no defensive bonuses. Fractional values indicate a % chance to deal an extra damage point.

Artillery are your cheapest ranged unit, good for early in the map or for holding strategic chokepoints. They'll do well against pretty much any other ground unit, though they're less effective against footsoldiers and they're vulnerable to direct attacks from tanks and medium tanks. Still, if you can keep them protected, artillery are a cost-effective way of hurting the enemy without taking any damage in return. Just keep them on a city or near a supply truck so they can reload every few turns.